Heather is a mom of two little ones, and is the founder of Mason Dixon Made, an adorable children's shoe company based in Philadelphia.
Check out her story and some behind the scenes photos of her amazing studio below!

what was the thing that surprised you most when you became a mom?
I was shocked at how much becoming a mother would change me. I had a very traumatic labor and delivery with my daughter, so I'm sure that played a part...But I felt like I was a completely different person. I rocked the stereotypical mom-pixie haircut for about a month after my daughter's arrival. I felt like I needed to alter myself physically to reflect the change I felt inside.
Probably wasn't a great idea though because my husband picked me up standing out front of the salon sobbing.

what do you wish someone told you about parenting
so that you would be better prepared?
No one tells you about teething!!! Teething is horrible! The baby is miserable, nobody sleeps, and it can drag on forever. My youngest is teething right now and it's the worst.

what is your biggest accomplishment you are most proud of?
I didn't think I wanted to have children. They were not in my plan. My mother left when I was a baby and then I had an abusive step-mother for 13 years. I didn't think I was capable of being a good mother and I didn't want to risk it. But eventually I wanted a family, and despite my fears, we went for it. I'm so glad we did. I love being a mother.
It's the best thing I've ever done.

what is your biggest pet peeve?
I used to be totally obsessive about cleaning. Juggling kids and a business, I've had to let go of that. I always joke that my kids cured my cleaning obsession, but I still love a clean floor! We have hardwood floors and it drives me nuts to feel dirt/food/crumbs under my feet. I still vacuum at least once a day.

if you had a kid free day to do anything you want, what would you do?
I would sleep until noon, and then have brunch with friends. Then I would either go for a hike or sit in the park and read.

On the kids:
If you would like to be featured as a M.O.M e-mail rachel@lucyandleo.com