Angela is Head of Natural Baby and Babywearing Educator at The Nesting House (and formerly, the owner of CLOTH). She lives in South Philly with her husband, Shai, 7-year-old son, Elliot and 2 -year-old daughter, Liv. She loves working with families at the shop. Stop in and see her (or other Nesting house mamas) for babywearing or cloth diapering help anytime!

1. what was the thing that surprised you most when you became a mom?
How quickly time starts to pass. One day you are welcoming your new baby into the world and the next day, he's riding a bike without training wheels, starting first grade and reading books to you (or so it seems)!
2. what do you wish someone else had told you about parenting so you would be better prepared?
I wish someone would have told me that it's unrealistic to have the same expectations of myself that I had pre-baby on top of all the new responsibilities of parenthood. I'm here to say that it's impossible. Something has to go on the back-burner and that's okay. I used to keep a very tidy house and cook nice meals several times per week. Those days are over for now! When I was a new mom I felt terribly guilty about not accomplishing these things (and others) but I got over it once I learned that my expectations were unrealistic and that my priorities had simply shifted.

3. what is your biggest accomplishment you are most proud of? (does not have to be about your kids!)
Building a successful business while raising 2 kids!
4. what are your must have items in your diaper bag?
Planet Wise wet bag, Sakura Bloom ring sling, and Badger Baby sunscreen.

5. if you had a day kid free to do anything you want, what would you do?
Clean my house (the whole house, all at once) and go out for some really good food with my husband.
6. Any advice for first-time moms?
Listen to your inner mom voice and let it be louder than any advice you are getting. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing or not doing. Do what works for you and your baby and be proud that you are finding your way!
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